Jobs in Jordan Rapid Response Program Manager - SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL #Jobs_in_Jordan

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The Rapid Response Program Manager is in charge of developing and implementing SI rapid response/Shelter activities in Northwest Syria, including needs assessments, monitoring, and reporting. The overall objective of the position is to ensure that SI humanitarian response in the Northwest of Syria is designed on needs-based evidence; it is safe; rapid; inclusive/accessible; adequate and accountable as well as respectful of SI procedures, clusters recommendations, international standards, and the humanitarian principles.

He/she is in charge of supervising the operational teams allocated to his/her program.

He/she guarantees the proper execution and the quality of the implemented program and, if applicable, suggests adjustments or developments to ensure its relevance.

List of main tasks:

Project relevance, quality, and design

  • Develop, revise and update needs assessment tools according to the specific context, the evolution of the humanitarian situation, and affected people living conditions and threats.
  • Ensure that needs assessment data collection, treatment and analysis take into high consideration key cross-cutting issues such as Protection Mainstreaming. Gender, People with Specific Needs and Humanitarian Access.
  • Ensure that SI rapid response and Shelter activities are tailored to needs-based intervention and that the assistance delivered is timely, adequate, safe, accessible/inclusive, and effective in terms of impact on people living conditions.
  • Ensure that the modalities of intervention match with key contextual requirements, and humanitarian access constraints, and are respectful of the humanitarian principles, with a focus on the Do Not Harm.
  • Contribute to defining SI rapid response strategy in NWS and contribute to the annual programming by proposing new activities.
  • Ensure the respect of SI procedures, cluster recommendations, and international standards (Core Humanitarian Standards, Sphere Guidelines, etc..) as well as donors’ qualitative requirements.
  • Develop SI rapid response and Shelter strategy in the region by the promotion of new sectors of interventions, new geographical areas, and alternative modalities of intervention as well as using innovative and technological solutions to improve the quality and the effectiveness of the impact of delivered assistance.
  • Ensure that activities monitoring and reporting respect SI and donor requirements and deadlines, in collaboration with the field coordinator, the MEAL team, and the Country Programs department.
  • Contribute to the development and elaboration of new proposals for the targeted area of intervention.
  • Contribute to SI country strategy development and to the lessons learned and capitalization exercises.
  • Participate in building the SHELTER teams’ abilities with respect to techniques or new methodologies

Needs Assessment and Rapid Response and Shelter management

  • Ensure planning and implementation of needs assessments and rapid response activities.
  • Ensure primary and secondary data collection, treatment, and analysis in close collaboration with PM, MEAL team, and the coordination mechanism.
  • Ensure that rapid response activities or Shelters are designed on needs-based evidence and the modalities of intervention are adapted to the context to ensure safe, rapid, inclusive, and adequate assistance to targeted communities.
  • Ensure that beneficiaries targeting criteria match with local vulnerabilities and priorities as well as they respect the humanitarian principles, international and cluster standards, and the Do Not Harm.
  • Ensure adequate and timely communication and coordination with local authorities and targeted communities to ensure that SI needs analysis, targeting, and activities are well understood and accepted.
  • Anticipate programs and support resources requested for a smooth and rapid response in targeted locations by the punctual report of needs to the field coordinator, in accordance with SI internal deadlines.
  • Anticipate any issues linked to carrying out the rapid response activities and help to resolve any problems related.
  • Ensure the monitoring and reporting on activities in accordance with SI internal procedures, deadlines, and templates as well as donors’ requirements.
  • Ensure that the Shelter/NFI and WASH rapid response is delivered in accordance with SI technical standards, clusters technical requirements, and donors’ recommendations.
  • Ensure that planned and implemented activities all along the program management cycle (needs assessment, design of the response, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation) take into high consideration the key cross-cutting commitments in the matter of Protection Mainstreaming, Gender, People with Specific Needs and Accountability to affected people.


  • Use the capitalization tools proposed by Solidarités International,
  • Participate in the centralization and distribution of procedures, guides, and tools linked to the RR or Shelter activities
  • Capitalize on intervention methods and technics and on the experiences acquired by Solidarités International and other participants in the RR or Shelter activities,
  • Write a handover report before the end of the contract and send it to the appropriate counterparts in mission and HQ.

Personnel management   

  • Participate in invalidating the hiring of national technical staff for activities.
  • Define the prerequisites for opening rapid response or Shelter positions together with the administrative department; adapt existing job descriptions if required.
  • Greet and brief the other PM working on the program.
  • Identify and pass on any training needs for rapid response teams
  • Set up technical training depending on rapid response or the shelter's operational needs and identified training requirements.
  • Manage and support the team under his/her responsibility.
  • Lead workgroups and thematic meetings.
  • Evaluate and assess the performance of colleagues under his/her direct supervision.
  • Ensure adherence to security regulations by personnel under his/her supervision.

Reporting / communication / representation

  • Pass upward to the relevant persons any information on the security situation or on any event that could impact Solidarités activities and the safety of the teams.
  • Draft rapid response and shelter activities reports and any annexes relating to specific activities for the financial donor reports and/or amendments.
  • Ensure that all reports are delivered on time and in the correct format.
  • Ensure internal communication, coordination, and collaboration with the overall team in Northwest. Ensure inter-sectoral efforts by close coordination with the WASH team.
  • Maintain a local operational communications network and good relations with local and government authorities, financial donor representatives, UN agencies, and other international agencies.
  • In his/her assignment area, represent Solidarités International at meetings or forums concerning rapid response or shelter activities.
  • Represent the organization when asked and/or delegated to do so.
  • Reply to the country office and headquarter information requests regarding specific needs
  • In close collaboration with the field coordinator and country office programs and support departments, contribute to the elaboration of the administrative documents (MOU, handover, etc.) to be jointly signed with government authorities, communities, or partners.
  • Plan activities and activity cycles for SHELTER (hiring, purchasing, etc.) in the light of established objectives
  • Plan and supervise the SHELTER program implementation he/she is in charge of, being sure to meet deadlines and adhere to predefined technical specifications
  • Suggest any adjustments to be made to the SHELTER activity depending on contextual and indicator developments

ORG CHART POSITION (reporting and functional relationships)

Line manager:  NWS Field Coordinator

Line report(s) on base: NWS Field Coordinator

Functional manager: NWS Field Coordinator

Functional report(s):  WASH Coo, Shelter Coo MEAL Manager, and country office support and programs departments.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2022-05-16
Job Location: Amman, Jordan
Company Industry: Non-profit Organization

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management
Degree: Bachelor's degree

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Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Rapid Response Program Manager - SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan


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