Jobs in Jordan Educational Curriculum Development Consultant #Jobs_in_Jordan

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External consultant to analyse, design, draft and package educational curriculum
1. Background
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-profit organization registered with the Ministry of Interior of Jordan since 2008 and operational in Jordan since 2012. In the Education Core Competency, NRC offers informal education for children and youth in Zaatari and Azraq camps, and education projects in host community areas in northern Jordan, in partnership with the Ministry of Education.
In 2017, the NRC education programme will continue in both camps and in host communities. In Zaatari and Azraq camps, programme activities mainly support the learning of children aged 6-15 who are in-school but at risk of dropping out, as well as those who remain out-of-school. The purpose of NRC’s camp education programme is to support all Syrian children to be able to access and stay in-school and to achieve well academically. Children receive learning support with a combination of literacy and numeracy, life skills, psychosocial well-being and computer skills to help retain them in quality education. In the host community programme, NRC conducts school expansion activities of classroom and WASH block construction combined with education on hygiene and school maintenance practices. NRC also provides remedial education for refugee and host community children; helps to build the skills of formal school management and teachers; and assists parents and community members to meaningfully engage in education through PTAs and school councils.
2. Objectives
The main objective of the consultancy is to assist NRC to analyse, source, design, draft and package appropriate and quality educational curriculum and materials to address the needs of NRC’s current caseload. NRC currently utlises a variety of remedial and other educational materials. NRC plans to analyse the relevance of these materials; source and/or design and draft materials to fill gaps; and package some of its existing materials.
3. Scope of work
1. Analyse materials and curriculum currently being used in NRC education programmes and activities, taking into consideration the context and learning needs of NRC beneficiaries as well as NRC Education Programme priorities. Identify and provide recommendations for addressing gaps in existing curriculum.
2. a) Either source, design and/or draft appropriate materials to address gaps.
b) Edit and package relevant existing materials into a complete curriculum. Packaging will include formatting documents to the level of ready-to-publish. Materials can be prepared in English but should be ready to publish in high-quality Arabic.
The following types of educational content will be addressed:
• Remedial education as support to formal education from grades 1-12, literacy and numeracy for adolescents, life skills for children 6-15, digital/online/ICT-based learning
• Teacher training and professional development programmes
• School enhancement and social cohesion materials
• Parental and community engagement activities

Job Details

Date Posted: 2017-02-09
Job Location: Amman, Jordan
Job Role: Consulting
Company Industry: Community/Social Services/and Nonprofit
Monthly Salary: US $2,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management
Nationality: Jordan

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