Jobs in Jordan Food Security and Livelihood Senior Officer - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF) #Jobs_in_Jordan

Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Food Security and Livelihood Senior Officer - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan

Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental organization working in more than 40 countries in the fields of nutrition, food security and livelihoods, water sanitation and hygiene, and care practices. ACF is looking for its program in Jordan for Food Security and Livelihood Senior Officer ~ Livelihood and Capacity Building ~

Work place:  Irbid and Amman, with frequent travel to Madaba & Mafarq Governorates

Specific Objectives:

To design and manage the operation and administration of the of the soft skills and vocational training , on-the job training and coaching to waste workers to improve their working conditions, access to decent employment, provide business & sub-grant management, planning and training, start-up delivery, coaching and follow up in Irbid, Mafraq and Madaba Governorates and support the process of Participatory Bodies establishment ( CBO & Cooperatives) within the targeted areas in collaboration with project key stakeholders.

Main Objectives:

1) Conduct needs assessment, data collection, selection and monitoring of project beneficiaries under the guidance and coordination of the Program Manager.

  • Conduct training needs and skills assessments for the waste workers followed by training plan preparations.
  • Support in waste workers working conditions assessment through individual survey and Focus Group discussion
  • Support in potential waste workers identifications in the areas of intervention through field visits and outreach in
  • urban areas and landfills.
  • Lead the beneficiary selection following the criteria set by Action Against Hunger.
  • Collaborate with the Data Entry in compiling beneficiaries list.
  • Input, update and archive beneficiary’s data lists, liaising with the Data Entry;

2) Design, deliver and monitor skills strengthening and vocational trainings for improving the waste workers working conditions

  • Identification of potential vocational training institution to deliver specific employability training to waste workers which will be clearly specified in the training needs assessment.
  • Develop and facilitate the OHS training for waste workers and technical support and monitoring on safety procedures
  • Monitor and follow up on the attendance and outcomes of the training sessions / on-the-job training through regular visit in the field 
  • Prepare training tool box covering training topics needed for the waste workers
  • Provide on-the-job training covering the topics: Social Security, work permit issuance and legal aspects.
  • Identification, design and delivery of Training of trainers and monitoring of training delivery during project time frame
  • Provide coaching and regular follow up with the waste workers after the training, and on-the job training.
  • Ensure the timely and effective delivery of the trainings
  • Lead the distribution of donated Protective Gear to the potential waste workers and referral to public health care centre for required vaccinations
  • Coordinate with national NGOs in conducting awareness campaigns involving local waste workers.
  • Liaise with the project Livelihoods officer in the “business proposal” evaluation and determine the recipients of the start-up support
  • Liaise with the Livelihoods officer and the PM regarding current and new regulations on Social Security, and work legalization as he/she will share the information with the waste workers during the on-the-job training.
  • Work closely with the project Livelihoods officer and the data entry in compiling, updating and archiving the final list of involved waste workers.

3) Design and lead business support activities for identified waste workers to support their Livelihoods opportunities

  • Identify key needs, challenges and gaps for livelihood business support for identified waste workers
  • Develop training material and conduct training on business development support (including financial literacy, financial management, accounting, organizational structure, etc.) in agreement with the PM
  • Design and roll out the business start-up grant proposal template, selection criteria and conditions, delivery procedures, risk mitigation measures and monitoring aspects, under guidance of the PM
  • Develop internal SOPs on business support management (including training topics, grant delivery and monitoring)
  • Design and deliver training sessions on start-up grant proposals and provide regular coaching and feedback to identified waste workers.
  • Liaison with Finance and MEAL department on delivery and monitoring of start-up grants
  • Provide coaching and regular follow up to the waste workers after the start-up support delivery
  • Coordinate with national NGOs in conducting awareness campaigns involving local waste workers.
  • Explain the grant conditions and grant agreement to potential waste workers and liaise the delivery with finance department.
  • Provide cotching and regular follow up to the waste workers after the start-up support delivery

4) Provide technical and legal guidance, coaching and support for the establishment, formalization and management of a participatory body for reuniting informal waste workers.

  • Support waste workers in the establishment and the legal definition and registration of the waste workers participatory body (entity registration such as cooperative, CBO, private company, etc.) and liaise with all related ministries and authorities for the body legalization and registration, under guidance of the Program Manager.
  • Support the registered participatory body in defining the logistic needs (Office and warehouse rental, furniture, all other donated items).
  • Provide technical guidance, coaching and support in the development of organizational management and internal procedures of the waste workers’ participatory body structure, under guidance of the PM
  • Support the waste workers in improving their working conditions through the distribution of Protective Gear and referrals to public health care centre for required vaccination.
  • Support the body in developing main recommendations for the improvement of waste pickers working conditions

5) Reporting, including Activity Progress, quality plan implementation and field updates and needs

  • Coordinate with MEAL department for the monitoring visits, per and post-test, baseline and Endline surveys under the supervision of the Program Manager
  • Report on activity progress, performance and bottlenecks.
  • Keep a close communication with the PM to update him/her on the on-going activities, potential problems / treats and successes.
  • Identify, analyses and evaluate processes and gaps in the implementation of activities and make recommendations for improvement, ensuring the timely and high quality implementation of the activities
  • Collect all the required means of verification (attendance lists, pictures, pre and post-tests, etc.) as defined with the Program Manager.
  • Produce and ensure follow up on implementation plans for the training activities and report on progress to the Program Manager.
  • Propose possible improvements and elaborate lessons learned / capitalization material.
  • Monitor expenditure, budgets and expenses tracking activities and address under/over expenditure as necessary.
  • Under the PM supervision, identify procurement needs and raise Procurement Lines based on project’s needs.

6) General responsibilities in terms of representation and communication

  • Provide the required explanations and updates on Action Against Hunger implementations and objectives and activities to local partners and communities, as per delegation from the Program Manager;
  • Upon delegation of the Program Manager, represent the Organization in meetings with the beneficiaries and local authorities / stakeholders, and Social security
  • Attend different community meetings to update and receive feedback, and report back the updates to the Program Manager
  • Commit and comply with the organization’s gender, age and diversity principles & policies (working with people, communication)
  • Support on the implementation and the promotion of gender, age and diversity principles through daily activities and or through the management of their teams (Managing performance & development)
  • Identify and evaluate possible livelihood interventions in the framework of the elaboration of new concept notes.
  • Report cases of conflict sensitivity and tension or complaints among the waste workers to the Project Manager and inform beneficiaries about Action Against Hunger’s Feedback and Complaint mechanism, in collaboration with MEAL department.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2021-09-23
Job Location: Irbid, Jordan
Job Role: Community Services
Company Industry: Non-profit Organization
Monthly Salary: US $2,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Nationality: Jordan
Degree: Bachelor's degree

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Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Food Security and Livelihood Senior Officer - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan -


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