Jobs in Jordan Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Deputy Programme Manager (MHPSS DPM) - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF) #Jobs_in_Jordan

Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Deputy Programme Manager (MHPSS DPM) - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan

Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental organization working in more than 40 countries in the fields of nutrition, food security and livelihoods, water sanitation and hygiene, and care practices. ACF is looking for its program in Jordan for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Deputy Programme Manager

Work place:  Irbid governorate  with possible travel to other Action Against Hunger sites

Position Overview:

To implement and monitor the assigned MHPSS activities, following ACF’s strategy and standards, international standards and national policies, in close collaboration with the Program Manager


1) To contribute to the analysis of the humanitarian context, to the intervention strategy and to the positioning of the MHPSS department

  • For analysis of the MHPSS humanitarian situation and of the context of intervention in a continuous, systematic and satisfactory way in its area of intervention. Integrate this analysis and monitoring in the APRs each month
  • For participating in definition of the strategy over its area of intervention and the sectoral strategy at the national level, if requested
  • For the implementation of the MHPSS aspect of the assigned project consistent with ACF policies and positioning documents, the national strategy and other legal texts of the technical ministry/ministries in charge of the sector, the key international documents of the sector (SPHERE, IASC and WHO Standards, mhGAP, PM+, Thinking Healthy, etc..)
  • For mapping other actors and potential partners in the area with the aim of improving coordination and avoiding duplication of efforts pertaining to MHPSS sector
  • For promoting transversal integration of the MHPSS department with the other departments in collaboration with the Project Manager and Field Coordinator.  
  • For addressing of crosscutting issues in the MHPSS responses (Protection, Gender, Disability, etc...)

2) To ensure the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the MHPSS project

  • For implementation of the MHPSS project, consistent with the logical framework of the intervention, the budget, the ACF logistical and administrative procedures
  • For coordination and supervision of training and supportive activities at PHCs and hospital level, of training and supportive activities at CBOs and community level, of referral system building activities
  • For organizing workshops involving CBO staff, heath workers, or beneficiaries in connection to the project, with support from the project manager
  • For identification of the technical constraints linked to implementation of his/her projects and for the proposal of innovative technical solutions to respond to its constraints
  • For implementation of the technical recommendations in his/her project (Field Coordinator, Head of Department, Technical Advisor…)
  • For monitoring of his/her project using the MHPSS indicators, the internal APR monitoring tools, regular presence in the field, an updated planning, and supervising the quality of field reporting
  • For writing within the deadlines of the MHPSS parts of external and internal reports to be submitted
  • Support the Program Manager in all tasks: activities’ direct supervision, beneficiaries follow up, relationships with partners and authorities…

3) To build capacities and manage his/her team

  • For the recruitment contribution and initial training of the team on ACF MHPSS ways of work and Projects Cycle Management tools
  • For the management of his/her team of Psychologist and Psychosocial Workers (leadership, motivation, team meetings, individual action plans, work schedules, conflicts, etc.)
  • Support the performance evaluation of the team members
  • For the continuous development of the skills of the members of his/her team (Psychologist and Psychosocial Workers) , through identification of needs, training plans and weekly clinical supervision
  • For the training on basic skills (like PFA) for others ACF departments

4) To contribute to coordination, quality, evaluation and capitalization of the project

  • For supervising the quality of the project implemented in line with the technical and management standards of the ACF’s project cycle management
  • For transmission and development of the technical knowledge acquired in his/her programme
  • For contributing to ACF’ communication actions (photos, testimonies, etc.)
  • For coordinating his/her activities with the PM, and other sectors and ACF departments for rationalized use of the resources and maximum integration
  • For participation at the request of the Country Director and the Field Coordinator to visits of donors, if needed
  • For ACF’s representation to MHPSS sub-working group and Health cluster, child protection and GVB sub clusters
  • For strengthening the capacities of the MHPSS partners according to a joint plan and the objectives set for the project

5) To guarantee and ensure the confidentiality of data collected during the project

  • Ensure data confidentiality, ownership of project beneficiaries and ACF
  • Guarantee the confidentiality of clinical interviews / individual or group counselling with the psychologists in charge as relevant

6) Ensure adherence to Action Against Hunger gender and protection requirements

  • Commit and comply with ACF gender, age and diversity principles & policies (working with people, communication)
  • Support the implementation and the promotion of protection, gender, age and diversity principles through daily activities and or through the management of the team (managing performance & development)

Job Details

Posted Date: 2021-09-05
Job Location: Irbid, Jordan
Job Role: Support Services
Company Industry: Non-profit Organization
Monthly Salary: US $2,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management
Nationality: Jordan
Degree: Master's degree

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Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Deputy Programme Manager (MHPSS DPM) - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan -


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