Jobs in Jordan Accountability Officer ( NOT Finance/Accountant Role) - ACTED-Jordanie Regional #Jobs_in_Jordan

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Job Purpose

The Accountability Officer contributes to improving the quality of ACTED programming through the accurate registration and timely follow up of any feedback/complaints formulated as part of ACTED’s Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM). He/she also contributes to the development and dissemination of appropriate CRM messaging and communication strategies. The Accountability Officer will need to be neutral and establish mechanisms that are based on ACTED procedures and reflect the highest integrity standards, which (non)-beneficiaries can trust. 



Establish and ensure the effective functioning of the Beneficiary Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) in line with ACTED standard procedures, to enhance the trust and confidence of beneficiaries, identify areas of our work which need to be improved and ensure that ACTED learns from the feedback provided through this process.  

Duties and Responsibilities


1.     Identification and deployment of a range of available, accessible, relevant and appropriate communication means

a)     Under the guidance of the Country AME Unit, and at relevant frequency, assess communities’ preferred means to formulate complaints / feedback with ACTED;

b)    Ensure the CRM offers as many communication means as possible, while taking into account the specificities of the local context and culture, as well as the type and resources of the project, beneficiaries’ specificities, vulnerabilities and preferences, etc.;

c)     Ensure all communication means guarantee total confidentiality of the information shared, in order to protect the privacy and safety of the complainant, the subject of complaint and other witnesses;


2.     Promotion of the CRM

a)     Develop project-specific strategies to provide beneficiaries, communities and stakeholders with readily available information on the CRM throughout the project cycle, notably including a clear repartition of tasks between AME and Project implementation teams;

b)    Build the capacity of the Accountability staff in the field and develop trainings to enhance Accountability team technical knowledge.

c)     Build capacity and understanding among ACTED staff, partners and contractors on beneficiary accountability and more specifically on the objectives and functioning of the CRM, as well as on what to do / not to do when receiving a complaint;

d)    Manage with the field Accountability to conduct field visits throughout the project cycle (i.e. before, during and after the intervention), and coordinate with the AME and project implementation teams for the same, in order to spread information / awareness about the CRM to beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries, as well as local authorities and stakeholders in ACTED’s areas of implementation;

e)    Develop and disseminate clear country-specific CRM information / awareness raising materials in a language and visual format that can be widely understood (including people with low levels of literacy);

f)      Regularly assess the effectiveness of all information-sharing efforts (notably via the assessment of communities’ level of awareness on the CRM at relevant frequency and under the guidance of the Country AME Unit), and incorporate findings into revised approaches;

g)     At all times ensure (non)-beneficiaries feel safe to express concerns, complaints and feedback to an independent and unbiased staff member.


3.     Complaints handling

a)     Receive and acknowledge receipt of complaints formulated through the CRM (including those received directly by other ACTED staff, through email or verbally (if any), and actively seeking out feedback.

b)    Ensure that the content of complaints/feedback is adequately captured, categorized and analyzed in the COMPFU (COMPlaints Follow-Up) as per ACTED procedures, paying specific attention to data quality;

c)     Maintain a good understanding of ACTED programs, including through frequent meetings with Project implementation teams, to be able to respond directly, whenever possible, to requests for information (i.e. level 1 complaints as per ACTED’s sensitivity grid);

d)    Channel complaints to the persons responsible for follow-up, as per ACTED standard beneficiary CRM procedures;

e)    When relevant, and in collaboration with line manager, organize meetings with relevant colleagues (PMs, Area Coordinators, etc..) to present the CRM status/findings and discuss incorporation of lessons learned into revised programming;

f)      Treat urgent and/or sensitive complaints with the immediate attention they require;

g)     Follow up in a constructive and proactive manner on pending complaints with relevant persons responsible for complaint follow-up, and verify that all complaints are adequately and comprehensively addressed;

h)    Respond to complaints respectfully, objectively, accurately, and in a timely manner (15 days), as per talking points defined with line manager, as per talking points agreed with relevant persons responsible for complaint follow-up;

i)      Close complaints in the COMPFU once adequately addressed and a comprehensive response has been provided to the complainant, duly tracking all complaint resolution steps and efforts in the COMPFU;

j)      Under the guidance of the Country AME Unit, and at relevant frequency, assess communities’ feedback and satisfaction on the CRM, and incorporate findings into revised approaches;


4.     Reporting and Capitalization

a)     Maintain records of CRM information / awareness raising / promotion activities (including approximate numbers of participants) for each project, and share with Project implementation team and line manager as required;

b)    Maintain consistent, confidential and detailed records of all complaints in the COMPFU (and other electronic and hard copy filing systems, as appropriate) as well as enquiry reports (as relevant);

c)     Ensure the COMPFU is password-protected at all times and all locations, the confidentiality of complaints data is respected, and this information is shared only with authorized persons as per ACTED procedures;

d)    Analyse patterns and trends in complaints and regularly share findings with line manager, to identify and discuss lessons land, and help ACTED improve its programming;

e)    Produce a monthly analytic CRM report and send to line manager, Country Director and HQ AME Manager, following the standard ACTED template;

f)      Provide regular and timely updates on progress and challenges to line manager;

g)     Integrate any accountability-related lessons learned and/or recommendations to the AME-managed country learning database, and contribute to their diffusion with coordination / AME / project staff.

h)    Create quarterly factsheet for Northwest Syria (NWS) complaints, shared with coordination.



5.     Other

a)     Assist project and AME teams with other activities, as requested by immediate supervisor;

b)    Perform any other related activities as assigned by immediate supervisor.

Key Performance Indicators

  • % of ACTED staff trained on accountability and the CRM
  • # of accessible, relevant and appropriate means to formulate complaints/feedback made available per ACTED geographical area of operation
  •  % of complaints closed within 15 days during the past 6 months
  • % of projects with a specific strategy to provide beneficiaries, communities, and stakeholders with readily available information on the CRM
  • % of beneficiaries interviewed who report being aware of the existence and use of the CRM
  •  1 consistent, password-protected, up-to-date and comprehensive COMPFU maintained
  •  % of monthly CRM report and COMPFU submitted in time
  •   Average and median number of days for case closure

Job Details

Posted Date: 2021-09-20
Job Location: Amman, Jordan
Job Role: Support Services
Company Industry: Non-profit Organization
Monthly Salary: US $1,500

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

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