Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Humanitarian Wash Master (HWM) Development Coordinator - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan
Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental organization working in more than 40 countries in the fields of nutrition, food security and livelihoods, water sanitation and hygiene, and care practices. ACF is looking for its program in Jordan for Humanitarian Wash Master (HWM) Development Coordinator
Work place: Amman
1: Foster inter-agency coordination around the HWM project
- · Ensure regular and open / transparent communication between consortium partners, facilitating consortium meetings and sharing communication between partners as required
- Coordinate the development and maintenance of all tools related to the consortium projects (MoUs, strategic document design, reports, monitoring tools, etc.)
- Establish and reinforce common understanding across consortium partners on project goals, components, and implementation methodologies (particularly in relation to monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning (MEAL) approaches)
- Monitor partners’ activities connected to the project (quality and progress) as well as their budget management
- Design next phases of the project in inclusive collaboration with partners
- Contribute to the identification of funding opportunities and inroads for donor relationship development, ensuring, in collaboration with the DCDP, that there is an exchange of technical information with the funding agencies identified
- Lead the consortium project proposals, in partnership with other agencies, and in accordance with the formats and deadlines of funding agencies
- Participate to the WASH Master’s steering committee (ACF, BHA, GJU, Bioforce, UNICEF, Global WASH Cluster
2: Maintain,strengthen and build positive donor relations, fundraising and external representation of the consortium
- Protect and promote the vision, mission, and interests of consortium partners towards external stakeholders
- In coordination with the DCDP, Grants Coordinator and HQ, represent the consortium toward donors
- Ensure continuity of consortium external communications activities, including formal presentations, and engaging media
- Establish and maintain mapping of stakeholders with relevance to the Humanitarian WaSH Master project
- In coordination with the DCDP and Grants Coordinator approach donors for future funding opportunities
- In coordination with the DCDP and Grants Coordinator, take the lead in identifying opportunities to leverage the existing partnership with GJU
3: Lead the development and technical oversight of the Humanitarian WaSH Master
- In coordination with consortium partners, guarantee the finalization of all the preparatory tasks for the development of the Master
- Monitor the training and capacity building process to GJU staff.
- Follow-up on the delivery of the Master program by GJU, in coordination with other consortium partners
- In coordination with consortium partners, lead the identification of internship opportunities for the students of the Master
- Analyze, with the support of GJU, the employment rate of the students of the Master and contribute to its positioning and visibility in the MENA region as well as globally.
4: Participate in pedagogical development and course delivery/review process
- Identify appropriate suitable personnel to cofacilitate course delivery.
- Organize coordination briefing and debriefing meetings between GJU professors and cofacilitators from external partner organizations.
- Participate in student evaluation process.
- Assist GJU in finding internship placement and scholarships
- Lead organizing the yearly course review workshop.
5: Build GJU’s capacity on humanitarian donor management and ensure strong project cycle management practices for existing grants are implemented by Action Against Hunger as well as by partners.
- Build GJU’s capacity on humanitarian donor management
- Together with the Project Coordinators of consortium partners, plan the various stages of project implementation and set the direction by prioritising and organising activities and resources to achieve project objectives
- Validate the key stages and the methodologies of the consortium projects being undertaken (timetables, baseline / midterm / end line surveys, technical studies, calls for tender, specifications, community approaches, internal and external evaluations, amongst other elements)
- Work closely with the MEAL team to ensure that MEAL systems are in place to measure the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of consortium projects; lead the integration of learning / findings from MEAL results into projects and programmes
- Oversee and monitor the work of consortium and implementing partners, ensuring that technical quality and standards are considered and respected during project implementation
- Ensure sound management of project management (time, cost, and scope) to uphold and strive toward quality outcomes
- Ensure that contractual obligations are met in terms of project deliverables
- Ensure activities are implemented according to the approved donor and partnership agreement
6: Ensure adherence to Action against Hunger gender requirements
· Commit and comply with the organization gender, age and diversity principles & policies (working with people, communication)
· Lead on the promotion of gender, age and diversity principles through daily activities and or through the management of their teams and through the planning and implementation of operations and strategies (Managing performance & development)
Job Details
Posted Date: | 2021-08-18 |
Job Location: | Amman, Jordan |
Job Role: | Research and Development |
Company Industry: | Non-profit Organization |
Preferred Candidate
Career Level: | Management |
Degree: | Master's degree |

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Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan - vacancies in Jordan-Humanitarian Wash Master (HWM) Development Coordinator - Action Against Hunger - Action Contre La Faim (ACF)-Jobs in Jordan - career in Jordan -